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How to Download Windows 10, Windows 7 Minesweeper Game

Minesweeper, which was loved as a basic computer game until Windows XP. If you want to enjoy the game from Windows 7, you have to download and install it separately. I will tell you how to download and install Minesweeper provided by Microsoft and official Minesweeper game for world records.

1. Typical Minesweeper Game.

Let me introduce three representative minesweeper games. 1. Windows 7 Minesweeper 2. Windows 10 Minesweeper 3. Official Minesweeper for the World Record. Please note that there are pros and cons to each.

1) Windows 7 Minesweeper

Windows 7 official minesweeper search features a simple and pretty screen.It's the most common minesweeper game.

2. Windows 7 Minesweeper Download and Install
Windows 7 Minesweeper

2) Windows 10 Minesweeper

The animation is colorful and supports various statistics. It's the most advanced minesweeper game, but there's definitely an ad coming out from time to time and some lag.

3. Windows 10 Minesweeper Download and Install
Windows 10 Minesweeper

3) Official Minesweeper for the world record

If you are good at minesweeper, please play the official minesweeper game for the world record. You can place your best record on a minesweeper ranking site. Your gameplay video will be recorded automatically.

4. Official Minesweeper for the World Record Download and Install
Arbiter Minesweeper

I recommend an official minesweeper for the world record. Windows minesweeper has no advantage except for its spectacular animation. We can't even record the game.

2. Windows 7 Minesweeper Download and Install

A simple minesweeper game that sticks to the basics. You can download it from the site below, unzip and install it.

  Windows7 Minesweeper

5. Windows 7 Minesweeper Download

Once the installation is complete, you can find it in the recently added app as below. You can install not only minesweeper but also old games such as freecell and other card games.

6. freecell and other card games.

3. Windows 10 Minesweeper Download and Install

Install from the Windows Store as the official Windows 10 minesweeper. Its file capacity is more than 100 MB.

  Windows10 Minesweeper

7. Windows Store game install

I couldn't do this because I was annoyed by the advertisement. But there are a lot of animations and statistics, so if you're interested, please install them.

4. Official Minesweeper for the World Record Download and Install

There is a site called minesweepergame.com that updates the world record for minesweeper. As of February 2020, Polish ranked first in 38.65 seconds. Various minesweeper games are available for download to this site.

8. Minesweeper game download

Only 3 of them are recognized as official games. Arbiter 52, Minesweeper X, Viennasweeper. All three games are automatically recorded, so you can replay them.

It's amazing that there are still many people who enjoy the minesweeper. Minesweeper is a simple yet fun highly recommended game.

I opened a Minesweeper YouTube channel. Please subscribe and like.

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